Right Back In It

SensChirp May 20, 2013 0

(UPDATE 10:23 AM)- Appropriate timing I would say.  This morning, the NHL announced that Ottawa Senators Captain Daniel Alfredsson has been nominated for the Mark Messier Leadership Award.  Pretty special year for Alfie as he has helped lead a team that looked down and out after a series of injuries, to the 2nd round of the playoffs.  A well deserved honour for the best Captain in the game.  Jonathan Toews and Dustin Brown are the other nominees.

On Sunday night, the city of Ottawa learned it really can make a difference.

Daniel Alfredsson shocked the Penguins with a last minute game tying goal and Colin Greening played the role of hero in double overtime, as the Ottawa Senators rode the hometown crowd to their biggest win of the season.

Think I can let the highlights do the talking on this one…