Happy New Year!

SensChirp December 31, 2012 0

Just stopped in at an internet cafe here in the Dominican Republic and see that I haven't missed much on the NHL's labour front.

The two sides are expected to meet on Monday at which point the NHLPA will present a counter offer to the one tabled by the NHL late last week.  If they can work closely off the league's offer, I believe there's a good chance we see hockey in January.

In the meantime, I wanted to take a moment to wish all the loyal SensChirp readers a Happy New Year.  Your ongoing support of this website throughout the past year has been greatly appreciated.  Here's hoping we have a hockey-filled 2013.

I'll do my best to update the site again over the next couple of days but it's awfully hard to sit in an internet cafe when it's 30 degrees outside and the drinks are free.

Happy New Year!