Game Day- A Must Win

SensChirp May 24, 2013 0

Win or go home.  It’s that simple.  As for the first time this season, the Ottawa Senators find themselves in a true “must win” game.

After a disappointing effort in Game 4 at Scotiabank Place, the Sens look to extend their season in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Semi-final with the Pittsburgh Penguins.  Nobody is giving this team a chance after an ugly loss on Wednesday night and the Pesky Sens wouldn’t have it any other way.

All year we have watched this team accomplish the unlikely and at times, the damn near impossible.  For whatever reason, this is a group that seems to thrive on the underdog role.  And with their backs against the wall against a dominant Pittsburgh team, you can be damn sure we’re going to see the best of our Ottawa Senators.

They don’t need to come back from 3-1.  They need to win a hockey game.  30 times this season the Senators have won hockey games.  They just need one more.

Here is how the Sens are lined up at the morning skate



Win or lose, this year’s Ottawa Senators team is one fans in this city can really be proud of.  The ride the Sens have taken us on is one we won’t soon forget.  And quite frankly, I’m not ready for that ride to end just yet.

Go. Sens. Go.