Another Playoff Moment

SensChirp May 21, 2013 0

Something I learned at a young age, is that if you approach playoffs with the "Cup or bust" mentality, you'll completely miss the real beauty of this magical time of year.

Playoffs are all about those "moments". Those where were you when, kind of moments. The ones that stick with you for days, weeks, even years to come. And as Ottawa Senators fans, we have been pretty spoiled the last couple of seasons.

Chris Neil's OT winner against the Rangers. Kyle Turris shocking New York in Game 4 of that same series. This year, we got the 6-1 demolishing of the Canadiens on home ice. The following game a late goal from Cory Conacher and then another OT winner by Turris. In Game 5 we watched the Senators eliminate the Habs in their own building.

And then last night, a moment that may have topped them all. As the league's best Captain added yet another chapter to his remarkable career, scoring a jaw-dropping shorthanded goal to tie the game.

And then a period and a half later, one more moment, as Colin Greening, with his fiberglass filled cheek, won it in overtime.

I don't know what's going to happen the rest of this series. The Penguins could bounce back with a strong effort. Or the Senators could ride this momentum and force the Stanley Cup favourites into a best of three. What I do know is this a pretty special hockey team we have here in Ottawa.

Every time you think you've seen the best they've got, they find a way to top it. Last night's game is another example of a playoff moment I will never forget.

Go. Sens. Go.

  • The Senators had a much deserved day off today and will return to the practice ice tomorrow here in Ottawa. Had Ottawa lost Game 3, the two day break would have been torture but instead it gives the team a much needed rest day. Chris Neil left last night's game and his status is unknown for Game 4. The Sens are expected to provide an update on his injury tomorrow.