Vote SensChirp

SensChirp February 8, 2023 0
Vote SensChirp

It is with great sadness that I must report that the Ottawa Senators are gone forever.

Monday’s call for proof of continued existence went unanswered and now we must accept the harsh reality that they have indeed disappeared. All we are left with now are the memories and the lingering hope that they may one day return.

Overly dramatic, you say? Yes perhaps. But I just miss ’em is all.

The good news is, according to the calendar anyway, the Ottawa Senators are expected to return in a matter of days. Their first game isn’t until Saturday afternoon but a return to the practice ice is imminent.

DJ Smith will have his team back on the ice tomorrow, assuming they still exist, and they’ll begin to shake off the rust (???) after this seemingly endless break.

The truth is, I am out of things to write about. Reflections on the first half. Updates on the sale process and Mark Kastelic. A half-assed review of the upcoming schedule. We’ve covered it all, folks.

So today I am asking for one thing.

Relentless and never-ending votes.

We are now one week out from the closing of the polls in the Ottawa Awards presented by Faces Magazine and I believe that we, the SensChirp Community, have the power to ensure that SensChirp completes an unprecedented and mostly undeserved hat trick at these awards. And it’s not going to be because of high-end blogging, tweeting or podcasting.

It’s going to be through shameless begging and pleading.

If everyone that visits this site today could cast at least one vote in each category (and more if you can dig up and/or create other email addresses), I think it would be enough. And even better if you do it every day for the next week.

When SensChirp won an award back in 2015, the people at Faces Magazine told me that the site received more votes than any other nominee in any category. We have the power to do that again.

It’s time. Do your part. OR ELSE.