DJ Smith on TSN 1200

SensChirp August 21, 2019 0
DJ Smith on TSN 1200

There is no sugarcoating it.

Rookie Head Coach DJ Smith has his hands full heading into his first season as an NHL Head Coach.

The Ottawa Senators finished in 30th place in 2017-2018, accumulating just 67 points.  They followed that up with a 31st place finish and 64 points.  Along the way, they traded their franchise defenceman and their three best forwards.

Despite the disaster that has been the last two seasons, expectations are somehow lower this year.

The so-called experts have yet to weigh-in with their predictions but it’s safe to say the Sens are going to be the consensus pick to finish dead last. In fact, it’s hard to recall a time when there was this level of certainty about which team is most likely to finish at the bottom of the standings.

Yet listening to DJ Smith talk, you would never know it. 

He is coming into Ottawa with a clean slate.  He’s not concerned about the past failures or the off-ice distractions that have consumed this organization over the last 24 months. His focus is on the season ahead and on making sure this team gets things pointed in the right direction.

“I want people to be proud of the Ottawa Senators. It might not be today but it’s going to happen.”

Lead the way, DJ.

Smith was on TSN 1200 this morning to talk about the season ahead and what fans can expect from the Senators this year. And while it’s safe to say fan expectations are at an all-time low, the Coach is focused on the task at hand.

Smith and his staff, which includes the experienced Jack Capuano and Stanley Cup winner Davis Payne, are expected to all be in Ottawa by the middle of next week to begin preparations for the new season. 

Smith is drawing on his time in Windsor and the early-days with the Leafs for inspiration. He has built up teams from rock bottom before and he certainly sounds confident that he can do that here in Ottawa.

Smith is in a fairly unique situation as a rookie Head Coach.

Primarily because in year one anyway, he’ll be pretty much bulletproof. If the Senators struggle, it certainly not going to be because of Coaching. This is a young roster, full of holes, which in some ways, will take some of the heat off the bench boss.

For Smith, it’s all about building the right way. “Doing things the right way, from Day One” as he put it.

A huge focus will be placed on development this year.

And while Smith certainly isn’t saying the young players will have a guaranteed spot right out of Camp, it’s clear that he has a mandate to develop.  To put the young guys in a position to succeed and to ensure that everything they are doing internally is directed towards ensuring those key players have an opportunity to grow.

Logan Brown is one of those key players.

Smith said that Brown is going to need to have a good Camp to make the team but he seems to recognize that at some point in the very near future, the organization needs to find out what they have in Brown. And that needs to happen at the NHL level.  Smith acknowledged that there are questions about whether or not Brown has the “pace” to be an NHL regular but said “there’s only one way to find out”.

Smith was also asked about the role those core young players, the likes of Brady Tkachuk and Thomas Chabot specifically, will have in terms of leadership.  His answer is worth a listen but it certainly sounds like the team has made a decision on that front and it doesn’t sound like any of the young players will be wearing a letter this season.

Smith mentioned that he wants to lean on some of the veteran guys for that “off-ice” leadership, specifically referencing the important role Ron Hainsey will play in that regard.

Expectations may be low in Ottawa this year but listening to DJ Smith is certainly a breath of fresh air.

He’s coming in with a clean slate, focused on developing the young players and confident they can get this thing turned around. Eventually.

You can listen to the full interview with DJ Smith here.