Arbitrator Rules on Mike Hoffman

SensChirp August 3, 2015 836
Arbitrator Rules on Mike Hoffman

And with that, the last item on the Senators’ off season To Do list has been scratched off.

This afternoon, an arbitrator handed down his decision in the Mike Hoffman arbitration case. One year. $2 million.

An absolute steal for the Ottawa Senators.

While there would have been obvious benefits to a long term gamble on Hoffman, having him signed to a one year deal works well for the organization too.  Hoffman has to go out and prove that last season was no fluke and should be motivated to have another big season with another contract negotiation on the horizon.

At the same time, the one year deal keeps Mike Hoffman as a restricted free agent and gives the club additional leverage in the next round of negotiations.

The Senators have to be pretty happy with the arbitration process. They end up with great deals on Chiasson and Hoffman and save themselves some salary dollars next season.