Preparing for Game 7

SensChirp April 25, 2012 0

The term "must win" game gets tossed around a lot over the course of an NHL season.

Well tomorrow night, the Ottawa Senators face a true must win game at Madison Square Garden.  It's pretty simple for both teams, win or go home.  It's that "no tomorrow" element that makes Game Seven the two best words in the game of hockey.

The Senators missed a chance to close out the top seeded Rangers on Monday night but have another opportunity on Thursday night. 

While heading back to Madison Square Garden may seem like a daunting assignment, the Sens have played some of their best games under the bright lights of Broadway and have won two of three in that building in this series.

Important to remember that the Sens are still the number eight seed so all the pressure will be squarely on the shoulders of the top team in the East.

The Senators were on the ice for practice today at Scotiabank Place and will depart for New York City later this afternoon.  Couple players absent from practice today including Matt Carkner and Zenon Konopka who both took maintenance days.  With Carkner not available, the Sens called on Mark Borowiecki from the Black Aces group.

If Carkner can not play, Borowiecki is definitely an option for Game 7 and will travel with the team to New York.

The NHL finally announced the time of tomorrow's deciding game and as expected, it will be a 7:00 PM start.  For fans looking for somewhere to watch the game, SBP will be opening their doors to Sens fans at 6:00 PM.

While the Senators get set for the biggest game of their season, I am busy packing my bags for New York City to represent Sens Army at Madison Square Garden.  Going to brave the overnight Greyhound from Ottawa to New York and arrive in the Big Apple early tomorrow morning.

I'll do my best to update the site while I'm gone but if you notice the Game Day post isn't up at it's usual time, that's why!  In the meantime, follow me on Twitter @SensChirp for updates throughout my trip.