Move Habs (Get Out the Way)

SensChirp May 10, 2013 0

In the end, it wasn’t even close.  It was a series that at times looked like men against boys.

The Ottawa Senators rolled into the Bell Centre in Montreal, in front of one of the most passionate fan bases in sports, and finished off the Canadiens with a 6-1 drubbing.  The win closes out the Eastern Conference Quarterfinal and finally gives the Sens bragging rights over one of their local rivals.

As you’d expect from a desperate team, the Habs came out flying.  They fired shot after shot at the Sens goal but could not find a way to beat Craig Anderson early on.  If not for some of the stops Andy made in the first, this game could have been completely different. 

Despite the strong start, the Habs found themselves in an early hole as both Zack Smith and Cory Conacher took advantage of some questionable goaltending from Peter Budaj. PK Subban scored late in the first to give the Habs life but that was as close as they’d come.

Kyle Turris scored in the second and Alfredsson, Conacher and Condra added third period markers to run up the score against a helpless Budaj. 

The Senators didn’t just win this series- they embarrassed the Montreal Canadiens.  In every aspect of the game, from coaching right down to the fourth liners, the Ottawa Senators were the better hockey team.

Winning the series in five games is obviously huge as it gives the Sens a couple extra days of rest.  That could make a huge difference for Erik Karlsson and also means centre Jason Spezza has a couple extra days to prepare for a potential return.

The team is still saying they don’t expect Spezza back any time soon but he is doing everything he can to get back in the line up this season.

And while the Senators celebrate their first series win since the 2007 Stanley Cup run, fans in this city should rejoice.  Sure it’s only one round and of course there is a lot of work to do, but this series win against the rival Habs is an absolutely huge moment for this team, this organization and this fan base. Enjoy it, Ottawa!