Competition Committee Recommends Changes

SensChirp June 4, 2013 0

Working away on a post that will include a bit of Draft related info but in the meantime some interesting news from the NHL's Competition Committee.

Beginning next season, and pending approval from the Board of Governors, the NHL will begin testing out a few changes.  The first, will be the grandfathering in of visors across the league.  That means all new players will be required to wear a visor when they enter the league.

A good move by the NHL to mandate visors.  Too many scary eye injuries that could easily be avoided.  Of course this means the league will now have to revisit the whole "instigating with a visor" penalty.

The changes don't stop there though.  The committee is also recommending that all four minute high sticking penalties be open to video review.  That opens an interesting can of worms for video review further down the road.  The league will also test the hybrid icing concept during next year's preseason.  And the final change- shallower nets, which will create more space behind the net.

All these concepts are subject to approval by the league's Board.

Thoughts on the proposed changes?