Anderson Getting Closer, Bishop Starts Tomorrow

SensChirp March 15, 2012 0

A day after dropping a 3-2 shootout decision at the hands of the Montreal Canadiens, the Ottawa Senators were back on the ice for practice this afternoon ahead of a crucial home ice back to back this weekend.

Some good news for the Sens as it sounds as though Craig Anderson is nearing a return.  While he is a long shot for the weekend, there is a good chance he could return to the crease as early as next week.

It was confirmed that Anderson would not start tomorrow but he did say he has been pushing himself the past couple days and is almost ready to return. In the meantime, the Sens will have to continue to make due with the goalies they have.

First up for the Sens a return engagement with the Montreal Canadiens and then a St. Patrick’s Day showdown with the Toronto Maple Leafs.  It’s safe to say Scotiabank Place is going to set an all time record for beers sold and idiots kicked out this weekend.

Ben Bishop has been named the team's starter for tomorrow night.

There are a few games for Sens fans to keep an eye on tonight including the Bruins in Florida to take on the Panthers.  There are benefits to either result in that one but if the Sens are going to track down the Bruins for the division lead, they need a favour from the Panthers tonight.  Other games of interest include the dreadful Leafs in Tampa Bay and the Devils hosting the Avalanche.

Few notable names absent from today’s optional practice including Ben Bishop, Daniel Alfredsson, Sergei Gonchar, Filip Kuba, Milan Michalek, Erik Karlsson and Kyle Turris.  They are all expected to be available for the weekend games. 

  • The Ottawa Senators announced this afternoon that Daniel Alfredsson is the team’s nominee for the Bill Masterton trophy given to the player that best exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship, and dedication to hockey.
  • Even though it has nothing to do with the Senators, Sidney Crosby is scheduled to return to the Penguins line up tonight.  Love him or hate him, the NHL is a better place when Crosby is healthy. Welcome back, Sid.