Training Camp Begins in Ottawa

SensChirp December 31, 2020 0
Training Camp Begins in Ottawa

In all fairness, most players have been back in town for some time now. More than a month in the case of some guys. On-ice sessions have been underway for a few weeks now.

But today, they make it official. Training Camp begins in Ottawa!

Yesterday, they did some picture-taking and other media stuff. Today, it’s medicals, fitness testing and the first on-ice session just before 10:00 AM.

With media not actually allowed inside the CTC, we may not hear much in the way of updates. The pace should pick up a little bit throughout the day though as Pierre Dorion meets with the media at 9:00 AM. TSN 1200 will carry that live. DJ Smith is expected to meet with the media tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the actual list of participants in this year’s Camp isn’t expected to be announced until Saturday although Dorion suggested there will be 36 players in Camp. The newest additions in Stepan. Paquette and Coburn will all be late arrivals. According to Dorion, a couple guys have minor injuries to start Camp and will be back on the ice in 3-5 days.

The Senators website has a pretty up to date roster listed, which gives us some sense of who will be in attendance, but it doesn’t have everyone.

For example, the greatest player in the history of the universe, Tim Stuetzle isn’t on there.

If you’ll allow me a brief interlude from discussing the start of training camp- is this kid human?!

This has been mentioned a few times now but the performance we are seeing from Tim Stuetzle at the World Juniors is, well it’s beyond words. In what are effectively tune-up games and an opportunity to shake off some post-surgery rust, Stuetzle has taken his game to a level rarely seen in this tournament.

And while it’s important to remember that he’s a more physically advanced hockey player dominating in a tournament against kids his own age, there are elements of his game that should have Sens fans all fired up.

The skill is incredible. The physical presence is encouraging. The willingness to block shots late in the game, dive into scrums to stick up for teammates and respect for his opponents are all nice to see. But it’s the passion for the game and the way he not only commands the spotlight but thrives in it, that may be the most exciting part of his performance. Watching the way he elevated his play in what was the biggest game of the tournament for his team…this kid is the real deal.

Anyway, where was I?

Right training camp fitness testing and medical are today!

With the start of a new Training Camp, it’s time for our annual call to the SensChirp comment section lurkers. If you’re usually a little hesitant to dive into the madness of the comment section, today is a good day to say hello!

And if you’re one of the regulars, I am expecting you to show up for Camp in the best shape of your comment section career.