The SensChirp Podcast- Episode 6

SensChirp October 30, 2020 0
The SensChirp Podcast- Episode 6

Has it been seven days already? Whose idea was it to make this a weekly thing anyway?!

We are now six episodes into the great SensChirp Podcast experiment and I still have no idea what I’m doing. Basically just plug in the microphone and see what happens. The good news is I have completely mastered the plugging in the microphone part.

While I have been able to cut down on editing time significantly, the quality remains…questionable at best. Part of the charm, perhaps. And those millions and millions of dollars I was hoping for? Not just yet. Soon though, I’m sure.

In this week’s episode- we talk SensChirp Origins, Alex Galchenyuk, Chris Tierney and those pesky Corey Perry rumours.


Mash that play button. If you listen on Apple Podcast or Spotify, subscribe and rate five stars. That way we can all make millions of dollars together.

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The SensChirp Podcast