Last night around 10:00 PM, I sat down and wrote a blog post called “The Lost Episode”.
It was cautionary tale about the pitfalls of technology. See, I had just wrapped up a 30-minute interview with Ottawa’s all-time leader in games played but due to some connection issues, it appeared that the audio was lost forever.
In all my years on SensChirp, I had never felt disappointment quite like it. I tried to put a positive spin on things and wrote an article that attempted to summarize what Chris and I had talked about.
I wrote about the new initiative the Foundation just launched called Catch the Ace. Based on the popular game known as Chase the Ace (I accidentally called it that a couple times actually) in Atlantic Canada, Sens Catch the Ace features a weekly prize and a guaranteed progressive jackpot that will be awarded to the winner who catches the Ace of Spades.

It’s like the 50/50 we all know and love but you can play along from the comfort of your home. It’s going to raise crucial funds for the new foundation and with a little bit of good fortune, put some money in the pocket of a lucky Ottawa resident.
You can join in on Catch the Ace here by the way.
I had a screenshot to prove the interview happened but nothing else.

I was ready to hit publish on a sad, sad article.
And then, a Hockey Eve miracle. I got an email from the support team at the site where I do my recordings. The original was gone. The back-up was badly damaged. But somewhere, in a far-away cloud, was a third version. A back-up to the back-up.
The interview was saved!
Mostly. The audio definitely still cuts in and out at times while Chris is talking and the editing process was about 10 times harder because I had to piece together multiple files.
But it’s there. Episode 14 of The SensChirp Podcast.
The Lost Episode….found!
Oh and the Sens play tomorrow, by the way.