The SensChirp Podcast

SensChirp October 5, 2020 1
The SensChirp Podcast

Webster’s dictionary defines a podcast as the following…

noun- a program (as of music or talk) made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet

And by that low bar, this is indeed a SensChirp Podcast. I think.

Let’s just call it a work in progress for now though.

See I was under the impression that you could just purchase an expensive microphone and the rest would fall into place but it turns out there may be more to it than that.

I would have liked more time to edit but it has been brought to my attention that the Draft is tomorrow (!!!). And I’m not sure a draft preview podcast would go over so well the day after the Draft.

Recorded on Saturday night, this episode is focused on tomorrow’s entry draft including what we’d like to see at 3rd overall, strategy at 5th and then options to consider at 28th overall. From there the conversation spiralled into Leafs hatred, appreciation for Cody Ceci’s time as a Maple Leaf and a shockingly long Eugene Melnyk rant but we’ll save some of that for episode two.

Audio will just be posted here on the site for now but I am assuming once the sponsors start lining up, the celebrity guests are begging to appear on the show and the money starts rolling in, we’ll be able to get this thing on some podcast streaming sites.

For now though, here it is- Episode 1 of The SensChirp Podcast!