When I was a wee SensChirp, I had all sorts of hopes and dreams.
An astronaut? I tried but a fear of heights held me back a bit. A career in the NHL? That dream died the day Laurie Boschman told me I couldn’t skate backwards. See, the thing about dreams is, they are way more likely to come true if you keep ’em reasonable.
A SensChirp beer?! That weird dream is about to come true. And I want you to be there to help me celebrate.

On January 27th, the Ottawa Senators play the Toronto Maple Leafs. On January 27th, Beyond the Pale is releasing a limited edition SensChirp-branded version of one of their most popular beers, Clean Cut. And on January 27th, we’re going to mash those two things together in the best way possible.
And it’s thanks to the good folks at Beyond the Pale.
See when Beyond the Pale first opened up in my neighbourhood, it caught my eye pretty quick. They were conveniently located on my way home from work and it made a perfect pit stop on that grueling eight-minute stroll.

Like everything that I think happened just the other day, that was apparently 11 years ago.
Beyond the Pale is all grown up now with their beer located all around the city and Ontario. Their taproom also happens to be a great place to drink a beer and watch a hockey game. Don’t believe me? Well it’s time to find out.
On January 27th, we’re hosting a long overdue SensChirp event!
We’ll have the Sens game on two projector screens, some great prizes up for grabs, trivia, maybe a celebrity guest or two (I count as a celebrity, right?), a table outside for Leaf fans and all the SensChirp beer you can drink (responsibly).
We’ll have more details closer to the event but really hope to see you there!

Would you just look at that thing?!