Senators Sign Hogberg for Two Years

SensChirp June 19, 2019 0
Senators Sign Hogberg for Two Years

The already crowded goalie crease just got a little more congested.

Today, the Senators announced that they have signed Marcus Hogberg to a two year deal. It’s a two-way deal next season and a one-way deal in year two.

There was talk that Hogberg might have legitimate offers to play in Sweden next year so it’s nice to see him sticking around.

Hogberg, now 24 years old, made huge strides in his game last year and for the time being, seems to have passed Filip Gustavsson on the organizational depth chart.

But with Craig Anderson, Anders Nilsson and the apparently health Mike Condon all expected to battle for spots in the NHL next year, it would appear that Hogberg will start in Belleville.

Both Anderson and Condon are in the final year of their deals though which means spots will be opening up in the near future.

And maybe sooner if there is an injury or trade.

Hogberg had a 21-17-4 record with Belleville including a a 2.32 GAA and a .917 sv%. He appeared in four games with Ottawa.