Senators Can’t Duck Fowl Night in Anaheim

SensChirp March 11, 2020 0
Senators Can’t Duck Fowl Night in Anaheim


-Give the Ottawa Senators credit. They knew this was a must-lose game, they knew it was a late start on the East Coast and they knew many Sens fans would be wrestling with the decision whether to stay up for the full game. So they got to work early and made that decision pretty easy. There haven’t been many nights where the Senators got off to as bad a start as they did in this one. Four quick goals and this was over before it even started. I have absolutely no idea who Nicolas Deslauriers is, by the way.

-The funny thing about last night’s game is the scoreboard really didn’t give a clear indication of how things were playing out on the ice. It was actually the Senators that carried the play, the Senators that generated the bulk of the scoring chances and the Senators that probably deserved to come away with two points. The shots finished a ridiculous 42-15. That’s the funny thing about goaltending though. Marcus Hogberg, who was returning to the team after more than a week away, just didn’t have it last night. Looking back, the decision to start him over Craig Anderson was kind of a strange one. Andy will be back in the net tonight against the Kings.

-Baby steps but it’s encouraging to see Colin White closing out his season on a bit of a positive note. Since returning from an injury at the end of February, White has five points in four games including a goal and an assist against the Ducks. The trading of Jean Gabriel Pageau and the opportunity to take a regular shift with Brady Tkachuk has predictability helped his production. While it does still seem like there’s a lingering injury of some sort, I think the biggest issue with Colin White this season is confidence. Well that and quality of linemates. It’s sort of unreasonable to expect White to recreate the numbers he put up with Mark Stone and Brady Tkachuk last year. Especially when he’s spent so much of the season in the bottom six. Hopefully he can build on some stronger play of late.

-Brady Tkachuk continues to just quietly go about his business. Despite a revolving door of linemates and the fact that he is generally surrounded by bad hockey players, Tkachuk should easily surpass his goal and point totals from his rookie season. Two more points last night, including a goal (his 21st of the season) and an assist, bringing his total to 43 on the season. He had 22 goals and 45 points in his rookie year. With quality linemates, it’s pretty easy to imagine Tkachuk becoming a regular 30 goal/60 point scorer in the NHL. The other interesting thing to keep an eye on with Tkachuk down the stretch is his pursuit of the 300 shots/300 hits club, which is something no player has done in NHL history. After last night- 295 hits and 258 shots (8th in the NHL). He’ll need to average 3.5 shots a game the rest of the way to get there. It’s gonna be close.

-It feels like it’s been this way for awhile now but that was basically another perfect night for the tank. For the tanks, I should say. Two points for the Ducks, another loss for the now outside-looking-in New York Islanders (that’s seven straight with Pageau) and no points for the Ottawa Senators. The Sens are now even with the Kings at 62 points a piece with tonight’s head to head match-up looming. Keep in mind Ottawa now has a game in hand. The Sharks are in Chicago tonight. Not to spoil the Game Day post but it’s safe to call this game against LA…THE BIGGEST GAME OF THE YEAR.

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