Ryan Named Ottawa’s Masterton Nominee

SensChirp June 9, 2020 0
Ryan Named Ottawa’s Masterton Nominee

Some good news to share in this time of mostly bad news and waiting.

This morning, we learned that forward Bobby Ryan has been named as the Ottawa’s nominee for the Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy.

The Masterton Award is handed out annually to the player who best exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship and dedication to hockey.

Craig Anderson won the award back in 2017.

Each team nominates one player and it probably goes without saying but Bobby Ryan was a slam-dunk in Ottawa.

His story of perseverance has long captivated the hockey world but was on another level this year. The strength he showed in not only confronting his own personal challenges head on but then also sharing his struggle publicly served as inspiration for many and will almost certainly change the lives of others.

The night he returned to ice in Ottawa is one that he, and all Sens fans for that matter, won’t soon forget.