Update- RendezVous LeBreton is the NCC’s Preferred Bid

SensChirp April 28, 2016 1237 Comments
Update- RendezVous LeBreton is the NCC’s Preferred Bid

(UPDATE 3:10 PM)- After a grueling one hour presentation, the Advisory Committee has made a recommendation to the NCC Board of Directors. The RendezVous LeBreton group and their Illumination LeBreton proposal is the preferred proponent to redevelop the lands at LeBreton Flats.  It’s great news for the Ottawa Senators and means the organization now has a clear path to downtown.  Still many hurdles to be cleared but it’s great news for the organization!

This afternoon, the Ottawa Senators will take their first step in a long journey to the downtown core.

It will be up to the National Capital Commission to decide which route they’ll take.

Today at 2:00 PM, the advisory committee will make their recommendation to the NCC Board of Governors on the development of LeBreton Flats.

And while nobody knows exactly what that recommendation will look like (all options are on the table at this stage), the thinking is that following today’s meeting, we’ll be able to clearly label either DCDLS or RendezVous LeBreton as the “preferred bid”.

It doesn’t necessarily close the door on the other bid but it certainly puts the preferred bid in the driver’s seat. And as we know, that’s just step one in a lengthy process before development can actually begin in the area.

Both of the proponents are then expected to comment on the NCC’s decision. Sens Owner Eugene Melnyk may actually be in attendance too which means things should get interesting regardless of tomorrow’s decision.

The meeting is open to the public (40 Elgin St.) and will be streamed online at the video below.

I’m excited. I’m scared. I have no idea what to expect or what I should be hoping for. And that’s what makes today so fascinating.

The Board of Governors meeting kicks off at 9:00 AM. LeBreton is on the agenda for 2:00 PM.