Introducing – The Community

SensChirp October 17, 2024 0
Introducing – The Community

“In the last couple years, the Ottawa Senators have done a great job bringing in the community. Now it’s time for the Ottawa Senators to join The Community.”

I don’t know if those were the exact words that I said but it was something along those lines. Not bad, right?

A couple weeks ago I had the unique opportunity to meet with a handful of members of the Sens organization. It was a chance to hear a bit about their plans for the upcoming season and for us to pitch some of our own ideas too. It’s certainly not the first time I have been invited to meet with the organization but it was definitely the first time that I felt prepared to be there and maybe more importantly, that I belonged there.

And while I was briefly derailed by my own rants about hot water in the bathroom (sorry, Cyril) and then again when I accidentally pitched a Spartacat Halloween costume (which they loved), I did manage to throw some actual ideas out there.

It was in that Sens boardroom that a new SensChirp feature was born.

Starting this Friday, we’ll be rolling out The Community.

It’s a weekly (monthly?) feature where we’ll be joined in the comment section by people from in and around the hockey team and the city. Think team employees, media members, digital content creators, philanthropists and other personalities from the world of the Ottawa Senators. And we bring them to It will be a unique opportunity for the readers here on SensChirp to engage directly with some interesting and influential people in this city and for those people to get to know this place a little bit.

We’ve built something pretty unique here over the years and I think it’s time to have some people stop by to check out the place.

Stay tuned for more details tomorrow including our first visitor!

Game Day post coming in a little bit.