Giroux Leads Senators Over Utah

SensChirp January 27, 2025 0
Giroux Leads Senators Over Utah

The SensChirp Player of the Game

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Some of you may have noticed there have been some changes to the ol’ SensChirp business model this season. The previous ad provider went through a fairly drastic shift in their approach and for a variety of reasons, it was just no longer a good fit for this site. An unexpected twist but as a result, there are no longer ads displaying on the site.

Onward and upward, as the ol’ saying goes.

While I explore new advertising options that fit with the community we’ve built here over the years, I have also decided to try out something called Tip Jar. A few people have directed me towards online platforms like this over the years and I’ve decided to give it a try. Essentially, it’s an online platform that allows people to recognize online content creators.

You can see The SensChirp Tip Jar here.

In the meantime, if you know local businesses looking for online advertising options, let ’em know SensChirp could be a good fit. You can email for details.