Games Day- Preseason Kicks Off in Ottawa and Toronto

SensChirp September 21, 2015 777
Games Day- Preseason Kicks Off in Ottawa and Toronto

Listen, I know it’s only preseason. I know the games mean nothing. And I know that the two teams we’ll see in action at the Canadian Tire Centre and Air Canada Centre aren’t the REAL Ottawa Senators. I know all that.  And I don’t care.

Hockey is back!

The Ottawa Senators play the first two games of their preseason tonight against the Toronto Maple Leafs. Both games start at 7:30 PM and both will be televised on different TSN channels. For viewers in the Ottawa area, it sounds like we’ll get the game from the Canadian Tire Centre while the other game is broadcast to the Leafs region.

Should be streams available for both though so good luck to those of you that attempt to watch two games at the same time tonight!

After tonight’s games, it sounds like Dave Cameron and his Coaching staff will begin the process of cutting down the roster a little bit.  The Camp will be separated into two groups with one of those groups representing a “working NHL roster” of sorts.

Basically sometime tomorrow we’ll know exactly who’s in the hunt for those openings on the roster and it really doesn’t sound like they’ll be any surprises.

Shane Prince, Matt Puempel and Nick Paul are all in the mix up front. Along with Eric O’Dell, Max McCormick and Tobias Lindberg. On the blueline, Wideman, Claesson, Wikstrand and Kostka are all in the mix.

Goes without saying but tonight’s preseason games represent a huge opportunity for those bubble players to make an impression.

While the line ups are still being sorted out, it’s expected this group (including Paul and Puempel) will head to Toronto while a more veteran group (including Prince, McCormick, O’Dell, Lindberg, Wideman, Claesson, Kostka) will be featured in the game at the Canadian Tire Centre.




@ Toronto



Let’s watch some hockey tonight, shall we?