Game Day- Senators Road Trip Continues in Chicago

SensChirp February 18, 2019 0
Game Day- Senators Road Trip Continues in Chicago

Webster’s Dictionary defines “hobby” as follows:

a small Old World falcon (Falco subbuteo) that is dark blue above and white below with dark streaking on the breast

Wait, no. That can’t be right. It’s this one…

a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation

As in, watching the Sens is a hobby of mine.  It’s a pursuit outside of my regular occupation that I am engaged in for the purposes of relaxation. Because when I think about this season and the current state of this franchise, the first thing that comes to mind is RELAXATION.

The 31st place Ottawa Senators and their line up littered with unsigned stars continue their meaningless tumble through the abyss that is 2018/2019 NHL season when they visit the Chicago Blackhawks.

Game Day baby!

The once powerful Blackhawks are a shell of their former-selves. Sure they have all those pretty banners hanging from the rafters of the United Center but at what cost?!

Their years of league dominance mean that they now must undergo a long and painful rebuild before they can again enjoy another run of unparalleled success. All their best players must be traded away and they must go with a line up that only costs whatever the salary floor is in a given year. Sometime soon though, they can spend close to the cap again.

That’s just how it works.

One line up change to note as Mikkel Boedker, a forward for the Ottawa Senators, draws back in to play forward for the Ottawa Senators. Because that’s his job apparently. Cody Goloubef, a defenceman on this hockey team, is a healthy scratch.  Guy Boucher got a taste of 12/6 on Saturday night and he’s rolling with it again in this one.

Like most of the season, today’s game day skate was optional. A best guess at the line up for now.



Anders Nilsson makes another start in goal for Ottawa. Like most of Ottawa’s defenders identifying a man in front of the net, puck drop will be a little late tonight. 8:30 PM to be exact.

The game is available on TSN5, RDS and can probably be streamed online at Matt Duchene’s Air B&B property in Nasvhille. I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore.

Here is a table.