Eight Off Season Predictions

SensChirp April 4, 2016 722 Comments
Eight Off Season Predictions

It’s probably a little bit early to be starting with off season predictions it certainly beats the heck out of trying to talk about the remaining games.

The Ottawa Senators have three games left in their season and with nothing on the line beyond ruining other team’s playoff hopes and dreams, my focus has already begun to shift towards next season.

As we’ve learned in previous years, the off season can be long and gruelling. But at the same time, there’s no shortage of news surrounding the Ottawa Senators.  And I expect this year to be more of the same.

With that in mind, here are eight quick predictions for the off-season.  While some of these are based on rumours and speculation surrounding the team, nothing on this list should be considered a foregone conclusion by any means.

For discussion purposes only…

  1. Dave Cameron will be fired- Dave Cameron isn’t the lone reason for this team’s struggles but in the end, he’ll be the fall-guy.  Melnyk’s rant and more subtle comments from Bryan Murray suggest this is something the organization is seriously considering this off season.
  2. The Senators will hire a “veteran” Head Coach- I’m a little hesitant on this one because I know the Senators will be tempted to go with a more cost-effective option behind the bench but I think the front office recognizes that they need a veteran guy this time around. I just hope it’s the right veteran guy (Please not Randy Carlyle, Please not Randy Carlyle).
  3. Bryan Murray stays on as General Manager- A couple months ago I wouldn’t have thought this was a legitimate option but recent comments from Murray suggest that he absolutely wants to come back as GM. We’ll have an answer here soon but right now, it seems to be leaning in that direction.
  4. Daniel Alfredsson will get a new title- This one isn’t really based on any specific information but I think there’s a chance Alfredsson gets a new title this off-season which will mean slightly more responsibility. Thinking something similar to Trevor Linden’s “President of Hockey Operations.”
  5. The Senators continue their pursuit of Jonathan Drouin- This one probably seems like a bit of a no-brainer but I think the Senators continue to chase Jonathan Drouin. The fact that he’s going to make $900,000 this year and could fill a spot in the top six makes him a perfect target.  Lots of teams involved and Ottawa will continue their pursuit.
  6. Mike Hoffman negotiations will be…tense- I wanted to go out on a limb here and predict an outcome but I can’t. Not yet anyway. Seems like all options are on the table and nobody (Not Murray, Not Hoffman) know how it’s going to turn out. I do think the Senators want Hoffman but not at any price. Question is will that price be lower than Hoffman is willing to go on a long-term deal. If I was ranking the possible outcomes though- 1) One Year deal, 2) Trade, 3) Long term extension.
  7. Patrick Wiercioch, Alex Chiasson will not receive qualifying offers- This may seem like a foregone conclusion lately but I’m just not sure how the Senators can bring Wiercioch or Chiasson back. Wiercioch’s qualifying offer would have to be $2.7 mil and I think the Senators need that money to address other areas of need. Chiasson is affordable but with guys like Puempel, Dzingel and Paul pushing for spots and Colin White looking like he could make the team as early as next year, the Senators need to make sure they have room.
  8. The Senators will sign a veteran defenceman- Murray identified this as an area the team needs to address during a recent media availability and I think the make it happen during free agency. Think low-cost, third pairing, possibly local? Maybe this guy?.

So there you have it- eight predictions for what should be another fascinating off season for the Ottawa Senators. Feel free to add your own predictions in the comment section below.

The Senators are on the ice for practice ahead of the final week of the regular season.  The Penguins are in town tomorrow, Panthers on Thursday and then the Senators close out the year in Boston on Saturday.