Eleven days. About 273 hours or 16,400 minutes. Like 985,000 seconds.
That’s all that stands between us and one of the biggest days in the history of the franchise.
And because there is absolutely nothing else of significance happening right now in the world of the Ottawa Senators……………
This seemed like a good time to update the Draft Lottery table.

Just look at it!
I know what you’re thinking- Wow, that’s a hell of a table but can you tell me more about it? Sure!
This table, which I crafted with my own two hands, contains just about every useful piece of information you could imagine. The contents, which are arranged in neat and tidy columns and rows, outline the upcoming Draft Lottery from the perspective of the Ottawa Senators. I chose to highlight the Senators because they’re my favourite team.
The calculations are based entirely on the work of others because math is hard and I don’t like it.
In the bottom left corner, there is a large number. This number indicates how many days until the Draft Lottery. The font size was selected based on how much space I needed to fill in the table. You may also be wondering, but why the slightly different gold font than the one used in the header? Great question. I only just noticed that now actually, so that’s why. Also, the title for that section is in all capital letters. This is both a nod to the Ottawa REDBLACKS and a complete accident.
The top right section provides you with the Top 10 prospects, as ranked by the SensChirp Scouting Service. The SCSS. The header for that section is inexplicably one row bigger than the other headers because I wasn’t really sure how to change it. Interesting, right?
Just below the prospect list you will find a list of all the 2020 picks for some reason. Mostly because I just like looking at them. The tiny little logos, are all slightly different sizes because I lack focus sometimes. Also, it might surprise you to learn that it took me at least two hours to complete that section because I had no idea what I was doing.
The bottom right section of this world-class table tells you the percentages each team, including the mystery teams of doom, have at the first overall pick. This information may seem redundant, and it is, but it was included because I could not think of anything else useful to put there. Briefly, I had “useful resources” listed but I could not figure out how to make the links clickable so I just gave up.
I went with the brush script font for the title, to make it look both sophisticated and mysterious. Everything else- calibri. As reliable a font as you’ll find in the table-making game. The COUNTDOWN number is Book Antiqua, 160 pt. Wow.
Anyway, that’s how it happened, folks. A little peak behind the curtain to help get you through the day.
Questions? Concerns? Comments? Hopes? Dreams? Let me know in the comment section below!
Oh also there’s this.
11 days.