Editor’s Note- After a disappointing but hard-fought loss last night, Norah is back with her Sunday notes. This week, she reflects on her CBC radio debut, which she achieved after two weeks of blogging. It was also my CBC radio debut, except it took me 15 years. She’s the star around here. Norah, the stage is yours!
Hey! Norah here. I hope you listened to me and SensChirp on the radio last Wednesday. That was probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.
Did you see that first goal last night? So weird. I still am thinking about that game and the Stützle goal, shorthanded, nice.
Just pulling all the good things out of the game,and thinking of ways they can do better next time.
Like stay on their toes for more than 5 minutes!
We all watched the game last night in our sens cave, still trying to figure out if its good or bad luck.