Calling All SensChirp Lurkers

SensChirp October 8, 2014 684
Calling All SensChirp Lurkers

With a new NHL season finally upon us, I wanted to make my yearly address to a loyal yet somewhat unknown segment of the SensChirp readership.

The Lurkers…

Always checking in for the daily post and a scan of the comment section, The Lurkers are a larger group than we realize. They’ve followed SensChirp for years. Maybe Disqus scared them off. Maybe they have a boss looking at their computer screen all day long. Or maybe they just need a push to finally set up an account and join the discussion

While the likes of Jakester, FistsofNeil25, Sensnation and the dreaded Tooks make a lot of the noise in the comment section, they are far outnumbered by the silent majority.

Some of The Lurkers will post the occasional comment. Some will never post at all. I imagine a Lurker often finds his or herself muttering in disagreement and saying, mannn if I had an account I would really tell these guys how it is.

Well today, as we kick off the 2014-2015 NHL season, I’m encouraging The Lurkers to step forward!  Let us know what you think about the Senators heading into this season. Let us know who you think are the contenders and pretenders in the NHL this year. Just let us know you’re out there.

Regulars. Occasional posters. Lurkers. Everybody join in.  Look forward to seeing some new names in the comment section today!

More coming in a little bit