Alfredsson Inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame

SensChirp June 27, 2022 0
Alfredsson Inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame

Finally. The Hockey Hall of Fame got it right.

The most important player in the history of the Ottawa Senators has finally got that long-awaited call.

In his fifth year of eligibility, Daniel Alfredsson joins Henrik Sedin, Daniel Sedin, Roberto Luongo, Riikka Sallinen and Herb Carnegie in the Class of 2022.

It’s a special moment for the organization and for the fan base but most importantly, for a player that gave his heart and soul to the game.

When the Hockey Hall of Fame Committee goes through the difficult process of selecting candidates worthy of this prestigious honour, there’s a lot that goes into it. Production is at the top of the list and it should be. You have to stand out from the crowd and stats are a great way to do that. At the same time, they look closely at individual accolades. Awards definitely add to a resume. Team accomplishments matter too. It can’t be all about Cups and medals but it obviously helps.

Put all those things together and it’s pretty easy to tell if a player is truly Hall of Fame worthy.

But see if you stop there, you miss some of the best parts of Daniel Alfredsson’s legendary career.

Loyalty. Heart. Dedication. Connection to the community. That’s where Alfie was just different. Players like Daniel Alfredsson don’t come along often and there’s really never been anyone quite like him here in Ottawa. And maybe never will be again. It’s amazing to see him recognized with the league’s highest honour.

Congratulations Alfie!